Medical Marijuana

The California Department of Public Health’s (CDPH) Medical Marijuana Identification Card Program (MMICP) was established to create a state-authorized medical marijuana identification card (MMIC), along with a registry database for verification of qualified patients and their primary caregivers. Participation by patients and primary caregivers in this MMICP is voluntary. The County of Riverside is now accepting applications for Medical Marijuana Identification Cards. The MMIC staff members are looking forward to assisting you. Please call us at 951-358-7932 or 888-358-7932 for more information about the application process or to make an appointment. Applications for Medical Marijuana Identification Cards will be accepted via mail and by appointment only. A written recommendation from your physician (ensure that there is a copy in your medical file). The original written recommendation from your physician on official letterhead, prescription pad, or Written Documentation of Patient's Medical Record (English/Spanish). Government issued photo-identification card as proof of identity. A government-issued photo identification (i.e., California State Driver's License, a California State ID Card, United States Passport, Veteran's Administration ID Card). Proof that you live in Riverside County. For example, current utility bill, California motor vehicle registration with your current address in Riverside County, or mortgage payment receipt. A P.O. Box address is not acceptable for address verification. Payments can be made by money order, cashier’s check or certified check. It can take up to 35 days to receive your Medical Marijuana Identification Card. Your card will be mailed to you at the address provided. The Medical Marijuana Identification Card (MMIC) staff members are looking forward to serving you. If you have any questions regarding this process, please call 1-(888) 358-7932 or write us at

The legalization of medical marijuana has become a hot debate in many states in America. This controversy also rages in other countries around the world. Many nations have recognized the medicinal properties and value in extracts of this plant while others have not. Canada, Spain, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, and Portugal are among the nations that have legally allowed the use of cannabis for health concerns. In the United States, several states have voted to allow its use for medically approved reasons as long as it's prescribed within a certain legal framework. Where does it come from? This product is derived from the hemp plant and is referred to by a host of other nicknames, such as pot, grass, weed, and Mary Jane. What states have voted to make it legal? So far, fourteen states and the District of Columbia have allowed cannabis to become legal - Washington State, Washington, DC, Alaska, California, Colorado, Maine, Hawaii, Montana, Nevada, Michigan, New Mexico, Oregon, Vermont, and Rhode Island.

Six states now allow dispensaries to sell the plant, including Colorado, California, New Mexico, Montana, Rhode Island, and Maine. The state of Maryland does not consider it legally allowed, but if a person can prove that he or she is using it for health reasons, the repercussions of possession are not as severe. What illnesses and maladies does this product help with? There are arrays of medicinal uses associated with medical cannabis. Some distressing issues such as nausea, unexpected weight loss associated with illness or chemotherapy, premenstrual tension and pain, and insomnia have been successfully alleviated. Multiple sclerosis, spinal cord injuries, and spastic problems have also responded well when treated with hemp medicinal byproducts. ADHD, otherwise known as attention deficit disorder, has shown improvement as well as Tourettes syndrome, Huntington's disease, glaucoma, and Alzheimer's. How is medical marijuana administered into the body? It can be taken in a variety of forms, including pill form, liquid marinol, vaporized, cooked into food, or smoked.

What kind of foods can this product be cooked into? Many baked goods, such as banana bread, brownies, and cookies are excellent ways to ingest the substance in a tasty product. How does a patient obtain this drug? A medical doctor must write a prescription and a patient must become a M.M. There are many websites with links to clinics and health care practitioners who are advocates of this medicine. In certain locations in states that have legalized this product, there are storefront operations working as dispensaries, such as along the boardwalk of Venice Beach, California. Growing one's own medication: Another way to obtain access to this substance is by growing your own plants. An M.M. card is one way to have legal permission to plant your own garden of cannabis. Medical marijuana is becoming legal in various states in the U.S.A. The debate regarding the pros and cons of legalization still continues.

The potential medicinal properties of marijuana and its components have been the subject of research and heated debate for decades. THC itself has proven medical benefits in particular formulations. In addition, several other marijuana-based medications have been approved or are undergoing clinical trials. The FDA also approved a CBD-based liquid medication called Epidiolex® for the treatment of two forms of severe childhood epilepsy, Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. It’s being delivered to patients in a reliable dosage form and through a reproducible route of delivery to ensure that patients derive the anticipated benefits. CBD does not have the rewarding properties of THC. Researchers generally consider medications like these, which use purified chemicals derived from or based on those in the marijuana plant, to be more promising therapeutically than use of the whole marijuana plant or its crude extracts. Development of drugs from botanicals such as the marijuana plant poses numerous challenges.


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